Monday, October 24, 2016

10. Comparing acoustic violin vs electric violin : Deck the Hall

"Deck The Hall"

I play it on electric violin then on acoustic violin.

Watch it here

Sunday, October 23, 2016

9. Comparing acoustic vs electric violin : Annie Laurie

"Annie Laurie"

I play this song on the acoustic violin muted then, on the electric violin without amplification.

Watch the video

Saturday, October 22, 2016

8. Comparing acoustic vs electric violin : Away in a Manger

"Away in a Manger"

The above is the song I play to compare an acoustic violin with an electric violin.

Friday, October 21, 2016

7. Comparing acoustic vs electric violin : Auld Lang Syne

"Auld Lang Syne"

I play this song on the acoustic violin, then on the electric violin.

Watch the video

6. How silent is an electric violin?

This is the sheet music for the song "Amazing Grace" which I play to compare how silent an electric violent is in comparison to an acoustic violin.

I play it 3 times:

1. Acoustic violin
2. Acoustic violin - with mute attached
3. Electric violin ( without plugging into amplifier )

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

5. Comparing acoustic vs electric violin : Physical differences

Acoustic violin : Spicato
Electric violin : Irin

Front length
Back length

Side length comparison

 Bridge and soundhole

Bridge closeup view


Tuning pegs


Thursday, October 13, 2016

4. Testing my new electric violin amplifier

The electric violin, without plugging into the amplifier is very soft. You can play it in the middle of the night without disturbing anyone. And you don't even need to attach any violin mute!

The violin LINE-OUT


From the front

The mono jacks of the cable used to connect the violin to the amplifier. The smaller jack goes into the violin, whilst the larger jack goes into the amplifier